Your Young Child’s Future
You have a young child, age 3 or 4 years old and you wonder, “What can my child do now, and how will it benefit them later?”, “What matters at this age?”, “Will these lessons, games, practices, or activities make …
You have a young child, age 3 or 4 years old and you wonder, “What can my child do now, and how will it benefit them later?”, “What matters at this age?”, “Will these lessons, games, practices, or activities make …
Get ready to boogie!!! Saturday night (5:30pm – 8PM) on November 7th, we are having our 6th Annual Family Fun Fest!!! It will be a night of fun, music, performances by students, games, trivia, food, and more! We are also …
Tonight, June 5th at 7pm, we celebrate the graduation of three seniors, all of whom began their musical studies at our school 12+ years ago. They have come so far, we are super proud. Their senior recital will be an …
Kmilo and I (Ms. Aimee) are super excited to be expecting our baby girl (Laïla Lou) at the end of July. The school has very graciously offered a baby shower for us on Sunday, June 7th at the All-School Concert …
Music is a language. It’s a language we all understand, and that’s why it makes the most sense to teach music as a language. Instead of waiting to learn music by sight and under strict private instruction, music can be …