Why is Free Play so important for children?

Recently Noelle, Lois, and I heard a Hidden Brain podcast episode about the importance of play. We were all struck by the reality of how little free time kids have to play by themselves nowadays. There are many reasons for our current situation. There’s pressure to make sure your kids are learning what they need to know to succeed in life, and that begins at a very young age. There’s also fear that keeps parents from letting their kids out of their sight. But what was more surprising is the cost the kids are paying when they don’t have free time to play. Less time to play freely means more stress and depression for them, now and later in life.
We want to bring the idea of free play to the forefront and help make it an integral part of children’s lives. On the Hidden Brain podcast they interviewed Peter O. Gray, PhD, author of the book Free to Learn. In his book Gray thoroughly explains the many benefits of play, and how vital it is to kids development. He makes the case that you can’t get the same benefits by replacing it with structured play. Freedom is the key.
“Unleashing the instinct to play will make our children happier, more self-reliant, and better students for life”
Peter O Gray PhD Developmental Psychology
Join the fun at our scheduled free play events and if you’re interested in reading the book, Free to Learn, you can join our book group. We will be starting the book group soon! Contact us for details jensensyamahamusic@gmail.com
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